Admin Role


Your Supermoon team can have as many admins as necessary, but the only default admin will be the creator of the team.

What settings can Admins manage?

When a user creates a team, they are set as the Admin by default. Admins have the ability to:

  • Add team members to the team
  • Link accounts
  • Change the billing plan
  • Add personalization items to the AI
  • Change the team name
  • Enable pre-generated AI smart replies
  • Enable auto-tagging
  • Enable auto-prioritization
  • Enable auto-responses
  • Create a team signature
  • Delete a team
  • Configure and set up Moonchat
  • Make other members Admins

How do I grant a team member Admin status?

You can add as many team members as you want to be admins.

  1. Navigate to Settings
  2. Find the team member who’s role you would like to change
  3. Select the set of three dots in the contact bubble of the Teammate you wish to grant admin access to
  4. Select ‘Settings’ in the dropdown
  5. Select ‘Admin’ as the role and ‘Save’

How to Update Admin Role