Live Chat Set Up


MoonChat is a great way for teams to correspond live with customers. Once you install MoonChat on your website, you will be able to manage messages through your Supermoon message inbox.


  1. Navigate to Settings
  2. Navigate to MoonChat
  3. Click Enable MoonChat and proceed through the MoonChat configuration options
  4. Set up MoonChat

  5. Click Save
  6. Set up quick answers (if desired)

Set up MoonChat

Configuration Options

  • Team Name: This is the name of your team as seen by customers.
  • Theme Color: Choose a color that corresponds to your company’s brand.
  • Widget Position: This is where MoonChat will show up on your website to customers.
  • Online Schedule: Set the hours during which you’re available to chat with customers.
  • Online Welcome Message: This is sent to the customer when they first open the chat and you are online.
  • Offline Welcome Message: This is sent to the customer when they first open the chat and you are offline.
  • Enable AI Auto Answers (Pro Feature): If enabled, MoonChat will use what it knows about your business along with product and inventory information pulled from Shopify to automatically answer customer questions.
  • Show ‘Powered by Supermoon’ Footer (Pro Feature): Toggle this switch off to hide the ‘Powered by Supermoon’ footer at the bottom of the widget.
  • Show on Mobile: ​​By default, MoonChat will show up on both desktop and mobile. Toggle this switch off if you don’t want MoonChat to show up on mobile.